Tutorial Modules

Skyware Systems offers on-line tutorial modules as part of our guidance and training support tools. Our tutorial modules are designed as slide presentations, where you can move forwards and back through the presentation as you wish. Each slide has the screen split between an image (on the left) and a description (on the right). Some tutorial modules may have question and answer sections for you to complete built into them, others are information only. Tutorial modules are designed to walk you through, step by step, a process (such as the Night Audit procedure, generating a Quick Quote or making Quick sale), so often will cover more information than is found in one individual Help File Topic.

Skyware's tutorial modules are accessed using the Skyware Training Main Menu screen, which shows a list of all currently available tutorial modules for Skyware.

Note: This list is always expanding, so feel free to visit often, and if you have a suggestion for a module you would like to see, please contact us with you ideas.



Date Updated September 20, 2021